Live events



Sunday July 7th, 2024

11:30AM- 1:ooPM


1734 20th Street NW Washington, DC 20009

Join me with the calm/cool collective for a journey of self-discovery and renewal through an invigorating breathwork session set to the rhythms of Afrobeats music. As you surrender to the flow, you'll release tension, cultivate inner harmony, and embrace the vibrant energy of summer.

What to Expect:

  • Designed to nourish your mind, body, and soul, we'll set intentions for the session before learning the fundamentals of breathwork.

  • Then we’ll immerse ourselves in a guided breathwork journey accompanied by vibrant Afrobeats.

  • Afterward, we'll reflect on our experiences through journaling and community conversation to nurture your growth journey.

Reserve your spot today on eventbrite!

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.”

Thích Nhất Hạnh

about me

Anameti Usoro, MD
CBT-I Clinician, Sleep Coach, Breathwork Facilitator

I am a seasoned Sleep Coach, Certified CBT-I Clinician, and Breathwork Facilitator with a mission to elevate your well-being by improving your sleep. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to evidence-informed practices, I specialize in guiding individuals toward restful sleep and holistic health. My approach combines sleep science, personalized coaching, and the transformative power of breathwork. Join me on a journey to unlock your fullest potential for rejuvenation and resilience. As your dedicated guide, I am here to empower you on the path to optimal sleep and holistic wellness.


Sleep Coaching Program- Message Only

Experience relief from insomnia with our comprehensive message-only sleep coaching package. This app-based program connects you directly with me for a 6-7 week collaboration to address your sleep challenges. Receive personalized guidance and a tailored program designed to improve your sleep quality. Start today!

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Breathwork for Sleep

Breathwork and Sleep Coaching Package – a virtual solution for enhanced sleep quality. Begin with a personalized Sleep Consultation, delving into your sleep patterns. Follow this with three virtual 1:1 Breathwork Sessions, expertly crafted to uncover and release barriers impacting sleep quality. You will get regular check ins from me. And a concluding Sleep Consultation evaluates progress and refines strategies for sustained improvement. Elevate your sleep experience with this transformative package, all conveniently accessible from the comfort of your own space. Embrace a restful night's sleep and overall well-being through the power of breath.

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Sleep Coaching Program

Experience relief from insomnia with our comprehensive message-only sleep coaching package. Our app-based program connects you directly with a me for a 6-7 week collaboration to address your sleep challenges.We’ll have four 45-minute virtual calls to discuss your sleep. Receive personalized guidance and a tailored program designed to improve your sleep quality and overall well-being.

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