Insomnia Sleep Coaching Packages

Get access to my six-week Insomnia Sleep Coaching program. Discover lasting relief from insomnia through my specialized program. I integrate evidence-based CBT-I techniques and sleep coaching in a six-week program to address the mental and physical aspects of sleep. You can chose between a message only program or the package that includes video calls. Both are effective and you can chose which will work best for you. My personalized approach empowers you to overcome negative thought patterns, improve sleep hygiene, and develop sustainable habits for restful nights.

Ready to find out which would be right for you? Email me at or fill out the contact form below!


Experience my breathwork services, where the power of intentional breathing meets holistic well-being. Immerse yourself in expert-guided sessions designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall mental and physical health. My breathwork practices draw from diverse traditions, offering accessible techniques suitable for all levels. Whether you're seeking stress relief, increased mindfulness, or a path to better sleep, my breathwork services provide a rejuvenating experience. Embrace the profound connection between breath and wellness, and embark on a journey to unlock the transformative benefits of intentional breathing with me.

Fill out the form below and I will get back to you on scheduling a breathwork session. Please mark below if you are interested in-person sessions in the DC/Maryland/Virginia area!

Eleveated Retreats:

Custom wellness Experiences

For DMV residents

Escape the hustle and recharge with customized daytime or evening Elevated Retreats! Our bespoke wellness retreats in the DMV area are tailored to your every desire. Whether your group craves serene massages, a transformative sound bath, reiki healing, breathwork sessions, or yoga, our retreats are designed to refresh and rejuvenate. Perfect for groups of friends or coworkers, experience a personalized journey of relaxation that will leave you feeling renewed and revitalized. I’ll do the planning for you so you can also benefit from recharge. Fill out the form below or email me at to get started!

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.”

Thích Nhất Hạnh

about me

Anameti Usoro, MD
CBT-I Clinician, Sleep Coach, Breathwork Facilitator

I am a seasoned Sleep Coach, Certified CBT-I Clinician, and Breathwork Facilitator with a mission to elevate your well-being by improving your sleep. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to evidence-informed practices, I specialize in guiding individuals toward restful sleep and holistic health. My approach combines sleep science, personalized coaching, and the transformative power of breathwork. Join me on a journey to unlock your fullest potential for rejuvenation and resilience. As your dedicated guide, I am here to empower you on the path to optimal sleep and holistic wellness.


Sleep Coaching Program- Message Only

Experience relief from insomnia with our comprehensive message-only sleep coaching package. This app-based program connects you directly with me for a 6-7 week collaboration to address your sleep challenges. Receive personalized guidance and a tailored program designed to improve your sleep quality. Start today!

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Breathwork for Sleep

Breathwork and Sleep Coaching Package – a virtual solution for enhanced sleep quality. Begin with a personalized Sleep Consultation, delving into your sleep patterns. Follow this with three virtual 1:1 Breathwork Sessions, expertly crafted to uncover and release barriers impacting sleep quality. You will get regular check ins from me. And a concluding Sleep Consultation evaluates progress and refines strategies for sustained improvement. Elevate your sleep experience with this transformative package, all conveniently accessible from the comfort of your own space. Embrace a restful night's sleep and overall well-being through the power of breath.

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Sleep Coaching Program

Experience relief from insomnia with our comprehensive message-only sleep coaching package. Our app-based program connects you directly with a me for a 6-7 week collaboration to address your sleep challenges.We’ll have four 45-minute virtual calls to discuss your sleep. Receive personalized guidance and a tailored program designed to improve your sleep quality and overall well-being.

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